Computer Engineer student at Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Hardware Hacker, Entrepreneur.
Born in an entrepreneurial family, raised to be the tech guy of the family business. So I took some courses on computer maintenance, then I got accepted on the Costa Rica Institute of Technology and discover my passion for prototyping projects when I started to participate on development competitions. Enjoy the most working on back end and optimization of the project's software/hardware. Right now working at Intel on both security of some products and CI/CD.
"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a
reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."
-Henry Ford
February 2012 - Febraury 2021
Coursework included, among others, Software Architecture for Emerging Systems, Software Design and Specification, Image Signal Analysis, Computational Molecular Biology, Algorithms, Data Structures, Compilers, Operating Systems, Databases, Circuit Analysis in AC and DC, Computer Architecture, a wide range of maths and sciences courses and Entrepreneurship.
May 2018 - Present
Lead the automation of CI/CD processes for some of Intel simulators and helped improve the performance of them by developing tools that enable the usage of the resources of an internal cluster in our solutions. Implemented containerized development environments for developing, building and deploying the libraries and binaries that are part of the aforementioned simulators.
Designed and developed tools to assure the security and quality of the simulators and web apps using industry standards for testing, code scanning and linting C/C++, Java, Python, Rust and Go code. Speed up the process of generating an input file for one of Intel’s simulators from hours/days to seconds/minutes by automating the process using industry standards for CI/CD.
Jan 2018 - May 2018
Researched a cluster benchmark and started the porting of the same benchmark from an message passing parallelism approach to an object oriented parallelism.
Jan 2018 - Jun 2018
Organized the structure developing tools that helped in the process of managing the student branch.
Aug 2017 - Jun 2018
Estabished, with the help of my team, the Computer Society of the IEEE, TEC Costa Rica Branch. Promote the Society imparting some parallel programming Workshops. Won the 2017 Outstanding CS Chapter Award. Help planning and organizing the 33 activities of the 2017 including the IEEEXtreme 11.0 CR and other workshops and lectures.
Jun 2017 - May 2018
Started the development of an informative app for the JOCICI 2017 congress. Bring back to life an educational game developed by an early team.
Aug 2016 - Dec 2017
Co-founded Nabit, a research and development company that creates technology that eases the work of people who are making efforts to help the environment in different ways. Led the Software and Hardware departments to research and develop a way to make wildlife investigation cameras meet the unmet needs of wildlife researchers, at half the price. We develop a prototype.
Mar 2015 - June 2017
Developed a mobile assignment grading system, that halved the revision and report time, also build feedback of the average behavior of the students with auto generated statistics.
"It is a poor workman who blames his tools - the good man gets on
with the job, given what he's got, and gets the best answer he
-Richard Hamming
A 61 key MIDI keyboard project with Arduino and some parts of a broken Yamaha PSR-E303. With control knobs, buttons, LCD and resistive panel.
A robot that interprets instructions given via a smartphone and draw in a 2d matrix.
A repository with some of the Dockers I used for different projects.
A grading app for the physics courses assistance, connected with the teachers evaluation sheet to create an automatic report.
"Force has no place where there is need of skill."